Künstliche Intelligenz 

Produktivitätsbeschleuniger. Innovationskatalysator. Kreativer Mitarbeiter. Unabhängig von Ihrer Vision für KI bietet Unisys die Lösungen, das Fachwissen und die Tools, um das volle Geschäftspotenzial Ihres Unternehmens zu realisieren.

Logistics Optimization

Ladung in Bewegung halten – trotz Störungen. Erfahren Sie, wie zum Patent angemeldete KI-Modelle mit Echtzeitdaten Zeit sparen und den Umsatz steigern können, indem sie die Kapazitätsauslastung, Routenplanung und das Bestandsmanagement verbessern.


Die Art der Arbeit verändert sich. Lassen Sie uns Ihr Geschäft gemeinsam weiterentwickeln. Machen Sie Ihr Unternehmen mit Consulting-Dienstleistungen von Unisys zukunftssicher und rücken Sie als Digital-First-Unternehmen voran.


Ihre Branche hebt Sie von anderen ab. Sie sehen die Straße deutlich. Lassen Sie uns unsere Kräfte bündeln und diese Vision Wirklichkeit werden lassen. Unisys bringt das technische Know-how mit, um Ihr fundiertes Fachwissen zu ergänzen.


Entdecken Sie Videos und Geschichten, in denen Unisys Unternehmen und Regierungen hilft, das Leben ihrer Kunden und der Bürger zu erleichtern.


Begeben Sie sich auf eine Reise in eine widerstandsfähige Zukunft und erhalten Sie Zugang zu den umfassenden Forschungsergebnissen von Unisys, die in Zusammenarbeit mit führenden Branchenanalysten und Forschungsunternehmen entwickelt wurden.


Finden, teilen und erkunden Sie Assets zur Unterstützung Ihrer wichtigsten betrieblichen Ziele.


Neugier, Kreativität und ständiger Wunsch nach Verbesserung. Unsere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter gestalten die Zukunft, indem sie über ihr Fachwissen hinausgehen und Lösungen zum Leben erwecken.

Investor Relations

Wir sind ein globales Unternehmen für Technologielösungen, das sich dafür einsetzt, den Fortschritt für die weltweit führenden Unternehmen voranzutreiben.


Wir arbeiten mit einem Ökosystem von Partnern zusammen, um unseren Kunden hochmoderne Produkte und Dienstleistungen in vielen der größten Branchen der Welt zu bieten.


Ihre aktuelle Sprachauswahl ist:


Privacy Secured - Unisys Information Security and Data Policies and Procedures

Information and information systems are vital to our increasingly digital and connected world. As a global Information Technology (IT) company that specializes in providing solutions with leading-edge security to clients in government and commercial markets, Unisys understands the need to respect privacy and protect personal data without impeding the demands of today’s worldwide information exchange.

Dedicated to protecting critical data from threats such as theft, fraud, misuse and disaster, Unisys employs rigorous measures to protect personal information while in use and at rest, the media where it is stored, the systems that process it, and the methods by which it is transmitted. This protection works to ensure the integrity, availability and confidentiality of information and information systems.

Data Processor Privacy Protection

Organizations that collect personal information are mandated to protect and ensure it is used in a way that respects the privacy of the individual whose personal details they collected. These organizations must thoroughly vet and select entities that will process this personal information to assure that the proper security and privacy measures are in place both within the processor’s organization and any sub-processors entrusted with the organization’s data.

External threats and regulatory requirements are constantly evolving, demanding an IT partner that handles valuable client information with care, possesses a firm understanding of operational needs and maintains a proactive approach to anticipating and addressing future requirements in the evolving security landscape.

Proven Expertise and Technology

For more than a century, Unisys has built a reputation for deep, reliable technical expertise to help businesses and governments protect their information assets and apply processes and technology to achieve new levels of competitiveness and success. Trusted by leading organizations around the world, Unisys delivers integrated solutions to clients with critical infrastructure upon which society depends on daily.

At the heart of every solution we design and every system we deploy is an understanding that our clients need their information, including personal data, to be protected and properly used. Our team of experienced privacy and information security technologists develop and enforce strategies that continually meet the needs of our clients around the globe. Our commitment to upholding the highest standards of privacy is proven through our privacy and security practices.

Our Privacy Practices

Our Chief Privacy Officer leads Unisys’ Global Privacy Office (GPO) with a team of certified privacy professionals. The GPO defines a framework of policies and procedures, including the use of OneTrust privacy management software.  These are implemented across the globe to ensure that we meet data privacy requirements.  

In doing this work, the GPO is supported by a dispersed network of data protection officers, attorneys, and functional, security and business privacy leads embedded across the company. They ensure our privacy program remains closely aligned with our business objectives and act as a bridge between the GPO and their business units, allowing us to deploy function and business unit-specific approaches to data and privacy compliance.

To advance our knowledge and stay current with evolving global privacy regulations, Unisys is a member of the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP), the largest global information privacy community and resource. 

OneTrust privacy management software is used across Unisys to facilitate privacy impact assessments, record data processing activities and to map data flows.   

Our annual privacy training program is mandatory for all associates. It is tailored to specific business units and teams to focus on real-life application for different groups of associates.