Künstliche Intelligenz 

Produktivitätsbeschleuniger. Innovationskatalysator. Kreativer Mitarbeiter. Unabhängig von Ihrer Vision für KI bietet Unisys die Lösungen, das Fachwissen und die Tools, um das volle Geschäftspotenzial Ihres Unternehmens zu realisieren.

Logistics Optimization

Ladung in Bewegung halten – trotz Störungen. Erfahren Sie, wie zum Patent angemeldete KI-Modelle mit Echtzeitdaten Zeit sparen und den Umsatz steigern können, indem sie die Kapazitätsauslastung, Routenplanung und das Bestandsmanagement verbessern.


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Ihre Branche hebt Sie von anderen ab. Sie sehen die Straße deutlich. Lassen Sie uns unsere Kräfte bündeln und diese Vision Wirklichkeit werden lassen. Unisys bringt das technische Know-how mit, um Ihr fundiertes Fachwissen zu ergänzen.


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Neugier, Kreativität und ständiger Wunsch nach Verbesserung. Unsere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter gestalten die Zukunft, indem sie über ihr Fachwissen hinausgehen und Lösungen zum Leben erwecken.

Investor Relations

Wir sind ein globales Unternehmen für Technologielösungen, das sich dafür einsetzt, den Fortschritt für die weltweit führenden Unternehmen voranzutreiben.


Wir arbeiten mit einem Ökosystem von Partnern zusammen, um unseren Kunden hochmoderne Produkte und Dienstleistungen in vielen der größten Branchen der Welt zu bieten.


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Integrated Portfolio and Investment Management (IPIM) solution now available on SAP® Store

Unisys announces the availability of its Integrated Portfolio and Investment Management (IPIM) solution on SAP® Store, the online marketplace for SAP and partner offerings. IPIM offers seamless integration with SAP S/4HANA and SAP Analytics Cloud in a move to redefine how organizations manage investments. Designed to empower your decision-making process, this partnership streamlines approval flows and integration capabilities for a cohesive vision across departments.

IPIM is built on SAP S/4HAHA and SAP Analytics Cloud, providing customers with a 360-degree view simulation of real-time scenarios and access to intuitive dashboards all in a single integrated platform. It enables organizations to manage large investment and expenditure programs, linking strategy, budgeting and execution progress in a single unique platform. During SAP S/4HANA migration, IPIM seamlessly works with legacy SAP modules, requiring minimal integration effort.

Benefits and features include:

  • Single advanced platform: Eliminate the need for additional integrations with a unified and comprehensive platform.
  • Streamlined implementation: Reduce delivery times with an optimized implementation process.
  • Enhanced user experience: Simplify handling and support productivity with technical and functional accelerators.
  • Comprehensive lifecycle management: Oversee large programs throughout their lifecycles, ensuring comprehensive oversight.
  • Trustworthy data: Establish a sturdy backbone for centralized, reliable and secure data for well-informed decision-making.
  • Domain knowledge and expertise: Harness expert knowledge to enhance processes.

To enable companies to become intelligent enterprises, SAP is expanding its vertical solutions with an ecosystem of industry cloud solutions. These solutions complement the existing SAP portfolio to extend the value of joint customer investments. As part of our commitment to innovation, Unisys is proud to be a member of SAP’s Industry Cloud team, working with SAP to create offerings that meet specific utility and energy industry requirements so customers can achieve positive business outcomes. By harnessing the power of SAP and partner solutions in an open platform, organizations can have a real and immediate impact on their processes. Unisys was also selected by SAP to participate in the SPRINT1 For Utilities and Energy 2023 Edition, an initiative that played a crucial role in transforming our exisiting IPIM use case development into an Industry Cloud offering. Learn more at SAP Store.

SAP Store delivers a simplified and connected digital customer experience for finding, trying, buying and renewing more than 2,300 solutions from SAP and its partners. There, customers can find the SAP solutions and SAP-validated solutions they need to grow their business. For each purchase made through SAP Store, SAP will plant a tree.

To learn more about our IPIM solution, visit us online or contact us today.