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Logistics Optimization

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Unisys Unveils Next-Gen Logistics Optimization Solution 

A new era of logistics management has begun. On October 17, 2023, Unisys officially launched its new next-gen solution — Unisys Logistics Optimization™ — that marries artificial intelligence, advanced analytics and the power of quantum computing, enabling near-real-time decision-making. 

During the “Unveiling: Unisys Logistics Optimization” event, Chris Arrasmith, senior vice president of Enterprise Computing Solutions, and Sean Tinney, vice president of Global Enterprise Computing Solutions, shared how this first solution in the Unisys Quantum IQ™ portfolio can help solve evolving priorities and increasing complexity in the supply chain — from rising customer expectations to inevitable delays and disruptions to increased cost of goods.  

“For decades, Unisys has partnered with airlines and logistics organizations, and during this period, we’ve constantly innovated to deliver value and great business outcomes to our partners. Today, we combine that legacy and expertise with cutting-edge technology to launch the Unisys Quantum IQ portfolio. This is a leap forward in logistics optimization and demonstrates our longstanding commitment to creating value for and with our customers,” Arrasmith said.  

The solution unveiling also showcased two Unisys Logistics Optimization use cases: capacity optimization and route optimization. Through these demonstrations, logistics leaders can see how the solution can help slash the time it takes to build unit load devices (ULDs) and pallets to maximize overall capacity and revenue with pioneering load optimization functionality, as well as determine the best route for your deliveries in near-real-time and react quickly to inevitable disruptions and exceptions. 

Other industry leaders joined Arrasmith and Tinney for the solution unveiling. Travis Eide, research director of transportation, logistics and global trade from IDC, and Grace Sharkey, staff writer at FreightWaves and host of FreightWaves Radio Drive Time, discussed the most significant challenges the logistics industry is facing as well as how they can overcome those challenges.  

Logistics organizations have accumulated arsenals of data over the years, but that information is often underutilized or not even used, Eide said. “When we talk with supply chain leaders, they indicate the top three benefits they have seen as results of incorporating artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities are improved productivity, reduced costs and increased agility. Yet only one and four are currently utilizing this technology to do so,” he added.  

Unisys Logistics Optimization helps solve that data challenge by providing pre-trained AI models that enable smarter and faster business decisions. It helps airlines optimize shipment routing for maximum revenue and minimal disruptions, and freight forwarders boost customer experience with improved on-time delivery. When combined with the power of quantum computing, this functionality has the potential to improve the way airlines, ground handlers and freight forwarders operate, offering greater efficiencies, reduced risk and increased output — all in an instant. 

“It’s interesting, for all my years of reporting in the industry, I haven't seen the practical use of quantum computing in logistics. And now not only is Unisys leveraging emerging technology like quantum computing, but they are also proactively addressing some of the potential gaps with quantum through other technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning,” Sharkey said. “The combination of these technologies is incredibly innovative, and I'm really excited to see how the industry adopts the solution and to see it expand to other use cases in transportation in other modes as well,” Sharkey said.  

To learn how combining advanced analytics, AI and quantum computing can help you realize efficiency gains to boost your bottom line, watch the replay of the solution unveiling and visit us online to read more about Unisys Logistics Optimization.