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6 Min Read

Three strategies for rapid restoration with a secure cyber recovery vault

Mai 18, 2023 / Charles Bisom-Rapp

Short on time? Read the key takeaways:

  • Downtime is costly. Cyber recovery vaults store data and applications for restoration after an attack or disaster. But having secure storage doesn’t solve how to restore the data quickly.
  • Cyber attacks are sophisticated and hard to detect. Recovery vaults provide an extra layer of protection but rogue software can linger in an environment after a cyber attack.
  • Best practices for cybersecurity — such as Zero Trust architecture, microsegmentation and automation — can build secure and manageable recovery vaults and improve cybersecurity posture, including restoring your critical organization assets online quickly.
  • Cyber recovery vaults are essential for protecting organizations from the impacts of cyber attacks. Consider establishing a Zero Trust architecture and an automated recovery vault to improve cyber resiliency and speed up recovery time.

In today's fast-paced business environment, downtime can be costly.

Whether caused by a cyber attack or a natural disaster, every minute of downtime can result in lost revenue and a damaged reputation. That's why having a cyber recovery vault is essential.

A cyber recovery vault is a secure location where organizations can store critical data and applications, ensuring they're ready for restoration during a cyber attack. But having a secure cyber recovery vault is just the start.

To minimize downtime and get your organization back up and running quickly, you need to be able to manage the vault remotely and restore your data and applications securely back into production while still anticipating that rogue attack software is still in your environment. Doing so will lower your recovery time objective (RTO) and protect your organization from the costly consequences of downtime.

Why do you need a cyber recovery vault?

Cyber attacks and data breaches are becoming more sophisticated and harder to detect. Without a secure and manageable cyber recovery vault, organizations risk losing their critical data and applications, resulting in costly downtime and potential legal consequences. Additionally, with the rise of remote work and cloud-based solutions, organizations are facing new challenges when it comes to cybersecurity. A cyber recovery vault provides an additional layer of protection, ensuring that organizations can quickly restore their data and applications.

Building a secure and manageable cyber recovery vault

Implementing cybersecurity best practices is crucial to building a secure and manageable cyber recovery vault. A secure cyber recovery vault should be isolated from the network and feature the immutability of the data locks, ensuring data is free from malware and safe from further attacks.

Here are three strategies you can implement to build a secure and manageable cyber recovery vault:

  1. Zero Trust architecture: Verifying and authenticating all users and devices

    Zero Trust architecture is an approach to cybersecurity that assumes all users, devices and applications are potentially compromised. Organizations can verify and authenticate all users and devices by implementing a Zero Trust architecture, ensuring only trusted individuals and devices can access critical data and applications. With the rise of remote work and cloud-based solutions, a Zero Trust architecture can provide additional protection, helping organizations only share access, critical data and applications to the right people and devices.

  2. Microsegmentation: Protecting critical data and applications

    Microsegmentation is a cybersecurity technique that divides a network into smaller, isolated segments that can only communicate with each other and cannot be accessed (or even seen) by other users or software. By isolating critical applications and data, organizations can limit the spread of malware and unauthorized access, reducing the risk of data breaches. With microsegmentation, organizations can create secure "zones" within their network, ensuring only authorized individuals and devices can access critical data and applications.

  3. Automation: Streamlining the restoration process

    Automation is another critical component of a secure cyber recovery vault. With the help of automated workflows, organizations can streamline the restoration process into a microsegmented cyber recovery vault clean room to test the restoration procedure and ensure the applications are ready and available — a key to minimizing downtime. Automated inventory management can help organizations keep track of critical assets and restore them in the correct order. By automating the restoration process, organizations can ensure their critical data and applications are restored as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Protecting your organization with a cyber recovery vault

A secure and manageable cyber recovery vault is essential for organizations looking to protect their data and assets from cyber attacks and data breaches. Cyber recovery vault deployments often overlook the ability to restore and get organizations back online quickly. By implementing best practices for cybersecurity, including Zero Trust architecture, microsegmentation and automation, organizations can minimize risks associated with cyber attacks and data breaches, streamline the restoration process to the fastest recovery time possible and improve overall cybersecurity posture.

Don't leave your organization's security to chance — protect your critical data and applications with a cyber recovery vault. See how Unisys can help you establish a Zero Trust architecture and an automated cyber recovery vault to improve your cyber resiliency and speed up your RTO.

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