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10 Min Read

Oxytocin of a handshake: The power of human connection

Juli 16, 2024 / Patrycja Sobera

Short on time? Read the key takeaways:

  • A reduction in face-to-face work interactions highlights the need for in-person connections to boost team dynamics and creativity. 
  • Physical gestures in the workplace, such as handshakes, can foster trust and collaboration through oxytocin release. 
  • Effective face-to-face interaction tips include presence, respect, empathy and honesty. 
  • The office serves as a vital community center, reinforcing organizational culture and belonging. 

For over three years, from 2020 to 2023, nearly everyone in the IT industry worked in their own silos. Zoom and Microsoft Teams meetings replaced meeting rooms; friend circles shrunk to WhatsApp and other social media. As a side effect, people got used to not meeting their colleagues. They stopped making new real-life social connections.

Sounds familiar, right? Subsequently, the workplace landscape had to completely evolve.

The push of hybrid working models disrupted the norm of working from home. While many welcomed it, others were unhappy with this change. But what they didn’t realize is that the return to the office holds a promise far beyond strictly business-related objectives and benefits. I think we sometimes forget the sheer power of physical presence. 

As we emerge from the grip of the pandemic and evolve the definition of hybrid, it is time to rekindle the essence of human interaction, rediscover the oxytocin boost of a handshake and reforge the bonds that fuel collaboration and human trust. 

So, what is oxytocin? It’s a hormone that promotes positive feelings and is often referred to as the "love hormone" or "bonding hormone." When two people shake hands, their bodies typically produce oxytocin, which helps establish trust and build a deeper connection. Yes, a simple handshake can promote an unparalleled human connection. 

Remember the days of gathering on the support floor, exchanging ideas over coffee or simply sharing a laugh in the cafeteria? These seemingly ordinary moments held extraordinary significance, fostering a sense of camaraderie and trust essential in the realm of IT support and services. Who engages support teams to chat about that great new time management tool or to congratulate the team on a consistent SLA attainment? No one.

The world of IT support and services can be demanding, stressful and forever changing. It often requires a reassuring pat on the back from a peer or leader, a friendly face, good advice, a template or maybe a good technical resolution shortcut.

And while the shift to hybrid work altered our routines, the essence of these connections is still indispensable. We are much more likely to open up and ask for support from those we’ve met in person, those we had an opportunity to develop a deeper connection with.

My first official post-pandemic handshake when visiting the office made me nostalgic for pre-pandemic times. I missed the hustle and bustle of a busy support floor and moments when we exchanged handshakes or even friendly hugs. Sadly, handshakes were one of the first habits to go when the COVID-19 pandemic struck. 

Scientifically speaking, however, a handshake or hug is not just a customary gesture; it is a pathway to trust.

Harvard research has shown that these friendly gestures trigger the release of oxytocin. This chemical cascade fosters feelings of connection and trust, laying the groundwork for fruitful collaborations and cohesive teams. 

But the benefits extend far beyond mere biology. Returning to the office offers a unique opportunity to reignite personal connections and rekindle the spark of creativity that thrives in face-to-face interactions. It is so much more than just meetings and memos; it is about sharing experiences, making memories, having spontaneous brainstorming sessions and the serendipity of collaboration. 

These face-to-face interactions have proven to enhance team cohesion and trust, as in-person communication allows for nonverbal cues and a better understanding of one another. Physical presence helps leaders establish credibility and influence, and direct interaction promotes real-time problem-solving and decision-making. Face-to-face interactions can not only complement but, in some cases, be even more beneficial than digital communications alone because they convey richer, more nuanced personal and social information. They facilitate much higher levels of intimacy and trust among participants—and this includes colleagues as well as clients. 

Real conversations have been proven to release oxytocin, which promotes feelings of attachment and, most importantly, trust. So, how can we improve face-to-face interactions, considering their sparsity nowadays? 

  • Be present and attentive: Make sure to give the other person your full attention, and actively listen to what they have to say. This means putting away any distractions, such as mobile phones or laptops, and maintaining that super important eye contact. 
  • Use nonverbal cues: Nonverbal cues such as body language, eye contact, facial expressions and tone of voice can convey a lot of information. Make sure you pay attention to them and effectively employ them to communicate your message and emotions. 
  • Be respectful: Treat the other person with respect and be mindful of their feelings and opinions. Avoid interruption, actively listen and put yourself in their situation for deeper connections and trust. 
  • Be open and honest: Share your thoughts and feelings openly and honestly, and encourage the other person to do the same. This can certainly help build trust and mutual understanding. It can also encourage teams to learn and evolve together. 
  • Don’t take yourself too seriously: Humor can be a great way to break the ice and build rapport. Just make sure to keep it appropriate and in line with business and professional etiquette. Always be respectful. 
  • Keep your promises and follow up: Make sure to follow up with the other person as you continue to build the relationship. It’s so important to keep and respect commitments we have made; at the end of the day, we only have one chance to make “first impressions” count. Following up and delivering on our commitments helps strengthen connections and improve future interactions. 

I personally cannot overstate the value of in-person interaction in a world that values virtual communication. While technology has bridged the gap, it is the human touch that truly builds rapport and understanding. From deciphering subtle cues to sharing a genuine laugh, these moments forge bonds that transcend the confines of any screen interaction or Microsoft Teams call. 

Moreover, the office serves as a hub for culture and community, a place where traditions are born and, indeed, new memories are created. Whether it is celebrating milestones, sharing meals or simply swapping stories, these rituals strengthen the fabric of organizational identity, fostering a sense of belonging that transcends physical boundaries.

Let us not overlook the power of human connection. Let us embrace the office not just as a place of work, but as a sanctuary of camaraderie and collaboration. By rekindling the oxytocin hit of handshakes and fostering deeper connections, we pave the way for a brighter, more cohesive future—one built on trust, understanding and shared experiences. 

Fuse the strength of technology and teamwork 

As we recognize the value of human connections in the physical workplace, our digital environments must foster the same trust and collaboration. Digital workplace solutions from Unisys make this possible by providing safe, efficient and teamwork-friendly environments.

Explore how you can craft a workplace that blends digital innovation with the power of personal interactions. 

Learn more

Originally published on HDI.