Künstliche Intelligenz 

Produktivitätsbeschleuniger. Innovationskatalysator. Kreativer Mitarbeiter. Unabhängig von Ihrer Vision für KI bietet Unisys die Lösungen, das Fachwissen und die Tools, um das volle Geschäftspotenzial Ihres Unternehmens zu realisieren.

Logistics Optimization

Ladung in Bewegung halten – trotz Störungen. Erfahren Sie, wie zum Patent angemeldete KI-Modelle mit Echtzeitdaten Zeit sparen und den Umsatz steigern können, indem sie die Kapazitätsauslastung, Routenplanung und das Bestandsmanagement verbessern.


Die Art der Arbeit verändert sich. Lassen Sie uns Ihr Geschäft gemeinsam weiterentwickeln. Machen Sie Ihr Unternehmen mit Consulting-Dienstleistungen von Unisys zukunftssicher und rücken Sie als Digital-First-Unternehmen voran.


Ihre Branche hebt Sie von anderen ab. Sie sehen die Straße deutlich. Lassen Sie uns unsere Kräfte bündeln und diese Vision Wirklichkeit werden lassen. Unisys bringt das technische Know-how mit, um Ihr fundiertes Fachwissen zu ergänzen.


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Curiosity, creativity, and a constant desire to improve. Our associates shape tomorrow by going beyond expertise to bring solutions to life.

Investor Relations

Wir sind ein globales Unternehmen für Technologielösungen, das sich dafür einsetzt, den Fortschritt für die weltweit führenden Unternehmen voranzutreiben.


Wir arbeiten mit einem Ökosystem von Partnern zusammen, um unseren Kunden hochmoderne Produkte und Dienstleistungen in vielen der größten Branchen der Welt zu bieten.


Ihre aktuelle Sprachauswahl ist:

How Will You Leave Your Mark

March marks Women’s History Month, a time for countries around the world to commemorate and celebrate the vital role of women in history, culture and society. The 2022 theme for the month, according to the U.S. National Women’s History Alliance, is “Women Providing Healing, Promoting Hope.” It is a fitting theme two years after COVID-19 became a household term. The theme represents “both a tribute to the ceaseless work of caregivers and frontline workers during this ongoing pandemic and also a recognition of the thousands of ways that women of all cultures have provided both healing and hope throughout history.”


Information technology (IT) owes a huge degree of gratitude to the women who helped pioneer the industry. The late Grace Murray Hopper, was certainly one. She is credited with inventing the COBOL programming language while working at Sperry Corporation, one of Unisys’ two primary predecessor companies, from 1955 to 1967. Hopper’s innovations also led to programming for the UNIVAC that enabled effective communications throughout the Apollo missions. Her groundbreaking work was foundational for women in IT, and President Obama awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2016.


Women like Hopper also opened the door for generations of women to follow their lead. Vera Faludi, joined Unisys as a service desk agent and succeeded in a variety of roles, bringing to life our core beliefs of creativity and curiosity to seek innovative solutions to address challenges. Vera was instrumental in developing the multilingual service center for Unisys in Hungary, and is now service desk director for Unisys in Europe.

Vera is leaving her own mark on our people, not only on processes. She led the launch of our UGrow program, which aims to provide developmental opportunities for service desk agents eager to grow their careers at Unisys. We recently announced Vera as the inaugural winner of our company’s Rising Star Award.


Unisys is actively on the lookout for talented women to join our workforce. We are expanding early career programs through internships and building relationships with universities, community colleges and apprenticeships. We are using technology to reach talent working remotely, enabling our ability to enter new talent markets. Once a new associate arrives, we provide best-in-class training programs to ensure continuous professional growth and development throughout their career. And our Associate Impact Group for women associates, Women + Network, provides a forum for leadership, networking and collaboration, as well as personal and professional development.

As an industry, however, we must challenge ourselves to do better. Deloitte Insights predicts that large global technology firms, on average, will only reach nearly 33% overall female representation in their workforces in 2022, up slightly more than 2 percentage points from 2019. While that signals progress, there is still much to do and much to improve to ensure gender equality and representation.

Thank you to Grace Hopper, Vera Faludi and all the women at Unisys – past, present and future – who have led, and who will lead, the way forward. Not only for Unisys, but for the IT industry as a whole.

To the women who have yet to join us and our industry, there are endless opportunities for you.

How will you leave your mark?