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City of Los Angeles Selects Clariti and Unisys for New Permitting System and Implementation

DOVER, Del., BLUE BELL, Pa. (November 13, 2024) – Clariti, in partnership with Unisys, is pleased to announce that the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) has selected Clariti’s enterprise community development software to replace its current system. The system is designed to improve the customer experience, reduce department costs, and streamline processes to save staff time. It will consolidate all LADBS development services departments into one unified platform, making it easier for customers, small businesses, and contractors to interact with the city for all permitting activities.

LADBS selected Clariti’s all-in-one permitting platform to replace its legacy system and deliver a fully digital process from application through approval to completion. In 2023, LADBS issued over 167,000 permits with over 5.8 billion in valuation, conducted more than 1 million inspections, and approved over 83,000 plans.

Unisys, a leading global technology solutions provider and trusted Clariti partner, will lead the implementation. As part of the project, Unisys will work with the City of Los Angeles to create a new innovative city-wide system that will simplify and accelerate the permitting and licensing process for its people.

“We’re thrilled to partner with the City of Los Angeles on this transformative project,” said Jim MacLaggan, Executive Vice President of Sales at Clariti. “This initiative is unprecedented in scale, and it underscores Clariti’s leadership in delivering the digital government services that cities like Los Angeles need to stay ahead.”

 For residents and businesses, the new system will offer:

  • A single point of entry to do business with the city online, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • One central dashboard to apply, pay for, and track the status of all LADBS applications
  • Secure identity management and data protection

For city staff, the system will provide:

  • Increased customer self-service options, reducing the need for in-person contact
  • Time-saving tools to accelerate reviews, inspections, and approvals
  • Improved reporting and data analysis capabilities
  • A strong foundation for ongoing technology and process improvements

“We are excited to work with the City of Los Angeles to drive the modernization of its services, leveraging our extensive public sector expertise,” said Manju Naglapur, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Cloud, Applications, & Infrastructure Solutions at Unisys. “We are committed to enhancing the user experience by ensuring the seamless and efficient deployment of Clariti’s platform, as part of this strong collaboration.”

About Clariti Software

Clariti helps governments of all sizes across North America achieve unparalleled efficiency and productivity with configurable community development solutions that include extensive purpose-built processes leading governments use every day. Today, Clariti is the only permitting software vendor solely focused on community development, with a suite of products that includes two different community development platforms for large and small-sized governments, and a pre-application permitting guide. Clariti solutions are trusted by leading governments of all sizes such as Phoenix, Orange County, Tampa, FL, Placerville, CA, Albany, NY, and more.

About Unisys

Unisys is a global technology solutions company that powers breakthroughs for the world’s leading organizations. Our solutions – cloud, AI, digital workplace, logistics, and enterprise computing – help our clients challenge the status quo and unlock their full potential. To learn more about how we’ve been helping clients push what’s possible for over 150 years,visit unisys.com and follow us on LinkedIn.


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