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Logistics Optimization

Ladung in Bewegung halten – trotz Störungen. Erfahren Sie, wie zum Patent angemeldete KI-Modelle mit Echtzeitdaten Zeit sparen und den Umsatz steigern können, indem sie die Kapazitätsauslastung, Routenplanung und das Bestandsmanagement verbessern.


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Ihre aktuelle Sprachauswahl ist:


Global CPG leader: Driving sustainable transformation

Elevating employee experience through next-gen tech support for a global CPG leader 

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  • Improve employee end-user experience, satisfaction and productivity  
  • Grow market share while seeking to enter new markets and segments 
  • Boost profitability by implementing aggressive cost-reduction programs across the enterprise, including IT  



  • Improved end-user experience by delivering fast, secure and innovative support services through chat, phone or in-person visits to tech cafés 
  • Enhanced employee productivity through the prevention of and faster resolution of IT incidents  
  • Enabled proactive analytics, automation and identity authentication capabilities 
  • Achieved target savings through reduced service delivery costs 


CSAT score through secure, fast and innovative support services via chat, phone and in-person visits to tech cafés


users supported across more than 100 countries in 16 languages


proactive tickets resolved without user interaction or awareness in the first six months of 2023


target savings achieved year-on-year through the introduction of automation, auto-translation and the augmentation of on-site engineers with a virtual chat service and an introduction of zero-touch smart locker technology

Making sustainable living commonplace

The consumer-packaged goods (CPG) sector is in the midst of a digital overhaul. As it changes, leading companies are developing digital-first strategies to increase efficiency, speed decision-making and cut costs.

Among the frontrunners is a global CPG company based in EMEA. With a vast array of brands reaching 190 countries, this enterprise is wholeheartedly embracing transformation. It is focusing on three vital pillars to champion a brighter future: improving global health and well-being, enhancing livelihoods and reducing its environmental footprint. By aligning its goals with global community needs, the organization aims to make a lasting positive impact on the world. The key to realizing this ambitious vision? Keeping employees productive and engaged.  

Business challenge: redefining support for enhanced employee experience 

To achieve its sustainability and digital transformation goals, the enterprise sought a trusted technology partner for global world-class support. The aim was threefold: deliver a consumer-like experience for employees while eliminating unnecessary costs and honing business processes. 

The company launched a program to uplift the end-user experience and cultivate a more collaborative, modern work environment. Employee satisfaction surveys showed that employees grappled with a maze of contacts and processes when seeking support, leading to mounting frustration and a notable decline in productivity.  

Solution: empowering digital workplaces with next-gen support

To tackle these issues, the company set its sights on an all-encompassing employee experience (EX) program aimed at cutting costs and boosting both satisfaction and productivity. To accomplish this, it selected Unisys to provide digital workplace solutions, serving an expansive user base of over 100,000 users across more than 100 countries and in 16 languages. These comprehensive services included: 

  • Next-Generation Service Desk (level 1 and level 2, self-help and self-service) 
  • Frontline Field Services (tech cafés, dispatch and depot services, smart lockers) 
  • Management of user accounts, devices, assets and configurations, and Microsoft 365 support services to optimize digital experiences 

Working hand-in-hand with the company, Unisys revamped the way end-user support and services were delivered. This overhaul involved introducing a knowledge-centered service model for easier self-service and crafting smart virtual agents that mesh well with the company's existing bot platform. The result? A frictionless interface for both service desk agents and end users. 

The company, in close collaboration with Unisys, is now exploring the implementation of a Device Subscription Service (DSS). This service aims to increase efficiencies, further improve experience and reduce cost by delivering a consumption model for all compute power based upon agreed personas within the business. This initiative will radically transform the ongoing use of endpoint devices and give the organization a seamless and cost-effective method to help ensure their users are fully enabled to be productive with the right-sized device and collaboration tools. 

Committed to sustainability, the company continually looks to reduce the carbon footprint of its technology services. Unisys now manages the performance of all hardware (laptops, servers, desktops) through embedded collectors. This provides data on the computing power of each device so the enterprise can make informed decisions about replacing assets. This means devices are replaced only when needed, which, in most cases, extends the asset’s life and reduces the carbon footprint. Currently in the design phase, the DSS service further contributes to the organization’s strategy to be carbon neutral by 2030 and achieve net zero emissions across its value chain by 2039.

With a focus on inclusive design, the company weaves accessibility and diversity into each layer of its service offering. For example, the Unisys Smart Locker Solution is being modified to accommodate all employees, irrespective of their needs. If an employee has a visual impairment, spoken instructions replace on-screen text. For those in wheelchairs, screen displays adjust to a more accessible height, and storage lockers are allocated within easy reach.

Results and benefits: cutting costs, elevating experiences 

In collaboration with Unisys, the company realized its ambitious digital transformation objectives, all while maintaining uninterrupted IT support. Notable gains include:  

  • Improved end-user experience with a CSAT score increase year-on-year from 4.2 to 4.7 out of 5 through secure, fast and innovative support services via chat, phone or in-person visits to tech cafés 
  • Enhanced employee productivity through the prevention of and faster resolution of IT incidents
    • 8 % reduction in global end-user incidents through proactive analytics, automation and identity authentication
    • 40,000+ tickets proactively resolved without user interaction or awareness in the first six months of 2023 
  • Achieved 12% target savings year-on-year through the introduction of automation, auto-translation and the augmentation of on-site engineers with a virtual chat service 

As a result of the alliance with Unisys, the company witnessed a marked upturn in end-user satisfaction. Utilizing tools for self-help, proactive diagnostics and automated fixes, Unisys successfully cut the annual rate of global end-user incidents by nearly 20% annually.  

Drawing on its extensive expertise and a solid history of exceptional global support, Unisys has been instrumental in maintaining high levels of user experience among the company's employees. With meticulous procedures, thorough documentation, and clear communication, the Digital Workplace Solutions team at Unisys has successfully standardized services worldwide, effectively bridging cultural and geographic divides across the organization's varied businesses and brands. 

To explore how Unisys can help you operate your digital workplace more efficiently and cost-effectively, visit us online or contact us today. 

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