Intelligence artificielle 

Accélérateur de productivité. Catalyseur d’innovation. Collaborateur créatif. Quelle que soit votre vision de l’IA, Unisys fournit les solutions, l’expertise et les outils pour réaliser le plein potentiel commercial de votre entreprise.

Optimisation logistique

Maintenir les marchandises en mouvement – malgré les perturbations. Découvrez comment les modèles d’IA en attente de brevet utilisant des données en temps réel peuvent faire gagner du temps et augmenter les revenus en améliorant l’utilisation des capacités, la planification des itinéraires et la gestion des stocks.


The nature of work is changing. Let's evolve your business together. Future-proof your organization with consulting services from Unisys and advance as a digital-first entity.


Votre secteur vous distingue. Vous voyez clairement la route à venir. Rejoignons nos forces et transformons cette vision en réalité. Unisys apporte le savoir-faire technologique pour compléter votre expertise approfondie.

Témoignages clients

Découvrez des vidéos et des témoignages expliquant comment Unisys a aidé les entreprises et les gouvernements à améliorer la vie de leurs clients et de leurs citoyens.


Embarquez vers un avenir résilient grâce à l’accès à la recherche complète d’Unisys, développée en collaboration avec les meilleurs analystes et cabinets de recherche du secteur.

Centre de ressources

Trouvez, partagez et explorez des actifs pour soutenir vos objectifs opérationnels clés.


Curiosity, creativity, and a constant desire to improve. Our associates shape tomorrow by going beyond expertise to bring solutions to life.

Relations avec les investisseurs

Nous sommes une entreprise mondiale de solutions technologiques qui s’engage à stimuler le progrès des plus grandes organisations mondiales.


Nous travaillons avec un réseau de partenaires pour fournir à nos clients des produits et services de pointe dans de nombreux secteurs parmi les plus importants au monde.

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Unisys Client Contract Terms

This site provides some of Unisys standard terms and conditions and links to related documents for the sale of products and services.

For earlier versions of Unisys published terms, please:

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Master Agreement for Product and Services

U.S. and Canada: Unisys standard contract terms for the purchase of hardware, software licenses, Product Support Services, and other services in the U.S. and Canada. Can be used to cover multiple purchases under specific orders accepted by Unisys.

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Outside the U.S.:

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Software License Agreements

End User License Agreement - Unisys standard terms for traditional on-premise software licenses (and software maintenance) for clients who don’t have a Master Agreement for Products and Services or other written agreement with Unisys for the software.

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Pre-Release License Agreement - Unisys Corporation’s standard no-charge beta/pre-release software license agreement.

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Evaluation Agreement - Unisys Corporation’s standard no-charge evaluation-only software license agreement.

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Mobile App License Agreement - Unisys standard mobile app license.

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Software-As-a-Service Agreement(s)

Terms of Service (ToS) for Software as a Service (SaaS) - Unisys standard terms and conditions for SaaS offerings other than those Unisys offerings with offering-specific agreements:

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Unisys PowerSuite Terms of Service - Unisys Corporation standard terms and conditions for Unisys PowerSuite SaaS (with provisions for local delivery outside the U.S. subject to local agreements):

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Solution Specific Supplemental Terms and License Plans

Unisys Solution Specific terms and license plans supplement Unisys standard license terms in the Master Agreement for Products and Services, EULA, or other agreement for Unisys Software.

ClearPath Forward Solution License Plan(s)
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Unisys Stealth Solution Software License Plans
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Unisys Stealth(identity) Software Development Kit
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Stealth(identity) uAuthenticator App Privacy Policy Addendum
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Exodus Terms of Service
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Unisys Product Support Services Addendum

Unisys standard Support Services Addendum supplements Unisys Master Agreement for Products and Services, Unisys EULA or other Unisys agreement for the purchase of Unisys maintenance services for eligible hardware and software products.

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Consulting and Technical Support (CTS) Services Terms

Unisys CTS Agreement

This agreement may be used to order Unisys CTS Services, where available.

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Unisys CTS Services Addendum

The CTS Services Addendum may be used to order Unisys CTS Services, where available, under an existing client agreement and modifies the terms of the existing agreement solely with respect to the CTS Services.

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Third Party and Open Source Software License and Attribution

These License and Attribution Documents list open source and other third-party software components included in distributed versions of Unisys standard Software.

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Client Data Privacy Resources

Unisys Data Processing Addendum (DPA) sets out the legal framework under which Unisys Processes Client Data and Personal Data. The DPA covers Unisys standard SaaS and other Unisys standard commercial service offerings unless Unisys has entered a separate DPA with a Client as part of its service agreement with Client. The DPA is an addendum or exhibit to Unisys standard SaaS Terms of Service or other agreement between Unisys and its Client.

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Unisys Privacy Statement applies to Unisys websites, domains, or applications that link to this Statement, including those of our subsidiaries. You can find a list of our subsidiaries at Unisys Locations. We may supplement this Privacy Statement with a privacy statement for a specific product, service or website. When we do, the more specific statement is applicable.

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