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Simplify And Secure Your Cloud Migration Efforts

Cloud Migration Strategies

The trend is clear: If you aren’t in the cloud, you are falling behind.

Cloud adoption increasingly is a key business initiative for nearly all commercial and government organizations as they strive to enable and accelerate innovation, deliver services more cost-effectively, and respond more quickly to changing conditions.

Most organizations are fully committed to integrating cloud into their IT infrastructure. According to IDG’s 2020 Cloud Computing Survey:

  • 92% of those polled already have at least one application or part of their infrastructure operating in the cloud
  • 59% said they plan to be mostly or all in the cloud in 18 months
  • 54% of applications now running in the cloud were migrated from on-prem infrastructure
  • Cloud computing is expected to account for 32% of IT budgets on average over the next 12 months

If you think it's too late for that, think again. It's never too late to do things right.

For your organization to achieve genuine digital transformation, you must take advantage of the operational and cost optimization benefits of cloud-based deployments. But integrating emerging technologies can be risky and challenging. You may have thousands of legacy applications that need to be modernized and migrated in some fashion. Your ability to control costs and speed adoption are crucial factors, requiring large-scale automation and assured security, along with an imperative to keep operations up and running during the transition.

Implementing a bulk migration to the cloud requires the right partners, skills, and solutions to avoid delays and unforeseen problems. With years of assessment, consulting and transformation experience at global enterprises and governments large and small, Unisys can offer you unique insights into the appropriate path and operating model your organization should follow to migrate workloads and accelerate your move to the cloud as you seek to innovate, reduce risk, and create high-performance outcomes. As a cloud service leader, Unisys builds, manages, and secures cloud and infrastructure solutions for some of the most complex and digitally demanding enterprises and governments in the world.

A cloud migration that introduces enterprise standards will provide your organization with greater scalability, improved analytics, better utilization of IT resources and managed services, mobile and remote access, and more efficient and cost-effective disaster recovery. If you’re a retail or financial organization, you can implement processes across multiple channels (storefront, digital, mobile, social) to increase revenue, improve the customer experience, and gain efficiencies. If you’re a government agency, you can provide citizen services and solutions at lower costs and with greater efficiency. And whether you are a government or commercial organization, you can more quickly develop new services and products, and more easily retrofit or retire those that don’t meet expectations

There is no single, golden template for cloud migration. New applications can be developed in a cloud environment using modern cloud technology and a DevSecOps methodology. By using DevSecOps to automate software deployment, you can ensure consistent and repeatable deployments that limit the risks of introducing security vulnerabilities. You also can safely roll back deployments at any time.